You’ve heard about heart health. And you know there’s a lot you can do to improve your heart health. 

Your brain is an organ just like your heart. And like your heart, you can do a lot to keep your brain healthy.

From balance to breathing, from sleep to speech, from handwriting to handholding, your brain controls all your body’s functions. Your brain also influences all of your organs, from your heart and lungs to your stomach and immune system.

Brain Health

Thoughts, emotions, memories, perceptions, actions – it’s all in the brain. Which is why stress and mood disorders like depression affect your brain health.

Brain Health

Brain Health
Learn more about your brain, how it responds to stress and discover brain health.

Brain Strain

Brain Strain
 Have you been taking strain? Learn more about stress, depression and your brain under strain.

Brain Help

Brain Help
Need help?  Find tools and resources you can use to support or better your brain health.


Seeking help is often the first step towards getting and staying well,
but it can be hard to know how to start and where to turn to.


You are not alone. In South Africa, 1 in 4 people suffer from depression. The good news is that depression is treatable. Discover more about this brain health challenge  here.


Everyone gets stressed. But when stress gets too much it starts to affect your brain health negatively. Start here to discover ways to manage stress and better your brain health.


The brain is an organ made up of 1,1 trillion cells and like working for heart health, you can work on your brain health too.

Certain areas of our brain are particularly important for producing and managing our basic feelings such as joy, love, anger, anxiety, and sadness. These areas also play a large role in creating memories associated with these feelings. We use the memories that are created and stored in these areas to help us decide how to respond or behave in different situations throughout our lives.